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Which is more secure, Android or iOS?

Question: I'm in the market for a new smartphone. I know people are pretty attached to their operating system, whether it's Android or iOS. But I'm more concerned with safety. Which one is actually more secure? Answer: Apple's iOS mobile operating system (OS) is generally considered to be more secure because Apple doesn't release its source code to app developers, and owners of devices running iOS can't tinker with the code. However,...

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Stay Alert - Scammers impersonate celebrities on social media

Scammers looking to get your money will do just about anything, including impersonate celebrities. Consider this scenario: You're on a fan site for your favorite celebrity, discussing how great she is with other fans. Then, out of the blue, the celebrity herself sends you a direct message! How awesome is that? You start corresponding, and eventually this celebrity asks you to donate money to her for a charity she's supporting. Or she...

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CEO Message - May/June KYC

CEO Message - May/June KYC Some of you may have heard, read or watched the news cast where Triangle Communications was mentioned using Chinese equipment from a company called Huawei (pronounced wah-way). The CNN news segment claimed that companies like Triangle Communications have installed this equipment and its interference with InterContinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) managed by Malmstrom Airbase and used to track Air Force personnel...

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Popular ways to use smart speakers like Alexa

Question: I've been hearing so much about smart speakers that I've started to think about getting one for myself. But I'm not sure how I would actually use it. What are the most popular uses of these devices? Answer: Smart speakers, like Alexa-enabled Echo products or Google Home products, can perform a wide variety of functions. Here are just a few: Play music. You can tell your smart speaker to play your favorite radio station....

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Using Quick Pay to pay on any account

You can use our Quick Pay option to make a payment on any account. This easy pay option is available 24/7 for your (or someone else's) account. All you need is the Name and Account number, the amount you wish to pay, and the Card or Bank Account information. Enjoy this tutorial video or read the step by step instructions below. 

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Triangle Communications

Montana-sized Internet.
People-focused service. 

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